All courses are from 1.5 hours to 4 hours and from $32.50 to $105
2501 - Major Components: Design & Construction 4.0
2502 - Gas Turbine Support Systems 4.0
2503 - Operation of Gas Turbines 4.0
2504 - Gas Turbine Control and Protection Systems 4.0
2505 - Aero-Derivative Gas Turbines 4.0
2506 - Routine Maintenance 4.0
2507 - Major Maintenance 4.0
2508 - Combined Cycle Operation 4.0
2509 - The HRSG (Heat Recovery Steam Generator) 4.0
2510 - The Generator and Electrical Systems 4.0
2701 - The Hydro-Electric Role in the Power System 4.0
2702 - Hydro Power Stations 4.0
2703 - Water Management 4.0
2704 - Hydro Turbines 4.0
2704 - Hydro Turbines 4.0
2705 - Turbine Monitoring & Control 4.0
2706 - The Hydro Generator 4.0
2707 - Generator Monitoring and Control 4.0
2708 - Hydro Plant Auxiliaries 4.0
2709 - Operating Electrical Equipment 4.0
2710 - Hydro Plant Operation and Maintenance 4.0
7401 - Co-Generation & Other Turbine Cycles 4.0
7402 - Steam Production 4.0
7403 - Fuels & Combustion 4.0
7404 - Boiler Operation 4.0
7405 - Boiler Control (Operation, Environmental, Chemical) 4.0
7406 - Steam Turbine Construction 4.0
7407 - Steam Turbine Operation & Control 4.0
7408 - Power Generation 4.0
7409 - Plant Auxiliary Systems 4.0
7410 - Power Plant Maintenance 4.0
7411 - Combined Heat and Power Systems 4.0
7701 Plant Maintenance for Operations: Maintenance Management 4.0
7702 Plant Maintenance for Operations: On-Line Condition Monitoring 4.0
7703 Plant Maintenance for Operations: Vibration Monitoring and Analysis 4.0
7704 Plant Maintenance for Operations: Non-Destructive Examination Tech 4.0
7705 Condition Monitoring - Electrical Testing I & II 1.5
7706 Liquid Analysis 1.5
7801 - Fundamentals of Plant Efficiency I 4.0
7802 - Fundamentals of Plant Efficiency II 4.0
7803 - Factors Affecting Boiler Efficiency 2.0
7804 - Operator Controllable Losses: Boiler 2.0
7805 - Factors Affecting Turbine Efficiency 2.0
7806 - Operator Controllable Losses: Turbine Cycle 2.0
7807 - Balance of Plant Operation 2.0
7808 - Power Plant Control 4.0
8001 AC Voltage Generation 2.0
8002 Power Factor 2.0
8003 Impedance and Voltage Drop 2.0
8004 Three Phase Power Systems 2.0
8005 System Layout 2.0
8006 Overhead Lines 2.0
8007 Underground Distribution Systems 2.0
8008 Substations 2.0
8009 Distributed Generation 2.0
8010 Substation Transformers 2.0
8011 Distribution Transformers 2.0
8012 Fault-Interrupting Devices 2.0
8013 Non-Fault Interrupting Devices 2.0
8016 Overcurrent Protection 2.0
8024 Personnel Safety 2.0
901 : Plant Control System 1.0
902 Circulating Water System 1.0
903 Condensate Systems 1.0
904 Feedwater System 1.0
905 - Boiler Feed Pumps 1.0
906 - Boiler Water & Steam 1.0
907 - Combustion Air & Flue Gas 1.0
908 - Control Operator Training: Boiler Fuel System 1.0
909 Air Pollution Control System 1.0
910 Turbine Auxiliaries System Operation and Control 1.0
911 Generator and Auxiliaries System Operation and Control 1.0
912 Unit Startup and Shutdown 1.0
913 Efficient, Reliable and Environmentally Sensitive Operations 1.0
914 Abnormal Plant Conditions 1.0
7401 - Co-Generation & Other Turbine Cycles
The objective of this module, the first in the series on "Steam Power and Cogeneration" is to present the different cycle arrangements that are commonly employed in steam turbine power generation installations.
Energy concepts and steam fundamentals are also reviewed to improve understanding and provide examples of efficiency calculations. Finally, to prepare the way for the remainder of the module, an introduction is made to the major systems of the steam power plant and their functions.
After completing this module, the participant should be able to understand the following concepts and apply them in day-to-day work activities:
• Co-generation arrangements
• Heat recovery from diesels and gas turbines
• Back pressure steam turbines
• Energy utilization
• Balance of heat and power demand
• Condensing turbines
• Condenser loss
• Units of absolute pressure, vacuum
• Feedwater heating
• Extraction steam for process
• Forms of energy; heat, mechanical, electrical
• Properties of steam and water
• Sensible heat, latent heat, superheat
• Effect of pressure on saturation temperature
• Use of steam tables
• Heat and efficiency calculations for different cycles
• Effect of operating conditions on efficiency
• The reheat cycle
• The use of temperature-entropy charts
• Function of major plant systems
1. main and auxiliary steam
2. turbine extraction steam
3. condenser circulating water
4. condensate and feedwater systems
5. feedwater heaters
6. boiler and combustion systems
7. boiler air and gas systems
8. fuel supply systems
9. turbine support systems
10. generator support systems
11. monitoring and control systems
12. station service supply systems
7407 - Steam Turbine Operation & Control
The objective of this seventh module in power generation is to present and discuss the major features of steam turbine operation, protection and control. Particular attention is paid to the effect of changes in load or steam temperature on mechanical operation of the turbine, and consequent need for supervisory instrumentation and automatic protection devices.
After completion of this module the participant should be able to understand the following concepts and apply them in day-to-day operation:• Operation of the turbine hydraulic control system.
• Governor operation.
• The function of turbine control valves and stop valves.
• The function of reheat intercept valves and reheat stop valves.
• Location of steam chest(s).
• Operation of drains on steam piping, stop valve, steam chest, turbine shell.
• The need for turning gear.
• Start-up procedure.
• Limitations to rate of raising speed.
• Critical speeds.
• Full-arc and partial arc steam admission.
• Matching steam temperature to turbine metal temperature.
• Turbine steam by-pass.
• Minimum load requirements.
• Effects of turbine expansion.
• Supervisory equipment: eccentricity, vibration, differential expansion, metal temperature, shaft position, pedestal position.
• Prevention of water ingress to the turbine.
• Function of protection devices, overspeed, low vacuum, thrust bearing failure, loss of lube oil pressure, boiler-generator-turbine intertripping, steam pressure deloader.
• Turbine trip function.
• On-load testing of protective devices.
• Exercising stop valves.
• Control room layout.
• Significant monitoring points.
Power Generation, cogeneration plant, cogeneration power plant, steam power plant, hydro power plant, turbine maintenance